The road we traveled on to get to our camping spot was an adventure and a half. I am pretty sure I don’t need to go for a massage for a year now. Also to my discovery, a collection of wrenches, canvas stretchers and cans do not make good wind chimes. While it took us 2 hours over a 37km distance to find our getaway location, but it turned out to be the perfect spot. Our closest neighbours were a 20minute drive away and there was nothing but us, trees and a river.
Saturday was baking hot! Oddly enough, the river was ice cold! My feet went numb after being in the water for about 20 seconds. Not able to swim, we had for find a different means of entertainment. We decided to make some art…but not of the typical kind. Our first attempt was at making a bridge, but after some ruptured structures, and some close calls with our toes, the idea was scraped. We began working on separate pieces. At the end of the day I made a cute little home. This home is structured from stone, complete with a slate roof top, hardwood floors, cobblestone walkway and stone lined garden bed. Listed price is at $1,000,000.00 (this is a steal of a deal for a waterfront property in BC).
My partner (often in various disguises) constructed a stone pillar, which he refers to as ET. His original piece shattered…all over his foot…and had to be remade, to what you see here :D
When the evening came upon us, we had to find a creative way to cook our steak as our cooking trays went up in flames. Literally. Even though this plan of attack failed, cooking steak in a pot did not! We also had numerous fights with bugs, and a combined scar count of 47 from that day:( At night, when we were all snug in bed, everything seemed well, until a rainstorm hit us. The noise of the rain woke us to leave us battling with our tent, as half of it was blown out of the ground due to the wind!
All in all I really enjoyed my first camping trip and I can’t wait to go again. Maybe this time I will remember to pack cups, a frying pan, more blankets and a whole lot of bug spray!!!
All in all I really enjoyed my first camping trip and I can’t wait to go again. Maybe this time I will remember to pack cups, a frying pan, more blankets and a whole lot of bug spray!!!
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